Foods to boost your immune system

Foods to boost your immune system When temperatures drop, it is normal to fall ill, especially in the first days of the cold season or in the middle of the season. Strengthening the immune system is therefore essential if we are to be able to continue our daily activities without problems. One of the most important […]

Why is selenium important in our bodies?

Why is selenium important in our bodies? Selenium is an essential nutrient in our body. It contributes to reproduction, the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, DNA production and protects the body against infection and free radical damage. Selenium is not produced naturally by our body, so we must get the recommended daily dose from […]

This new year, prepare your immune system

This new year, prepare your immune system Taking care of your immune system on a daily basis, strengthening your defenses and carrying out a series of healthy habits should be your resolutions for this New Year. The immune response is the set of mechanisms that our body performs to defend itself against foreign agents. There […]

How to train the immune system for the winter?

How to train the immune system for the winter? The immune system is responsible for self-regulating, defending and protecting the human body from external aggressions of all kinds, recognizing any foreign element (antigen), and provoking an immune response. A healthy immune system is your best defense against any infection or disease. For this reason, below […]

How does the immune system influence disease prevention?

At every moment of the day, there are external agents (viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc.) that try to enter our body. Our immune system is responsible for protecting us from these agents and if it is not capable of detecting and eliminating these pathogens in time, they will multiply, causing pathology. There are many factors (both […]

Types of immunity

Types of immunity Immunity is the set of defense mechanisms by which the immune system protects the body against external aggression. There are two types of immunity: innate immunity and acquired immunity.   Innate Immunity: Innate immunity is the set of cells and proteins that act as the first line of defense when there is […]

Oxidative stress and sport

Oxidative stress and sport Physical exercise produces positive effects on our immune system, since it keeps our immune system in top shape to fight any external agent and reduce the probability of contracting a cold, flu or other pathology. However, several studies confirm that high-intensity physical exercise can cause oxidative stress, mainly in people who […]

How does sport influence the state of the immune system?

How does sport influence the state of the immune system? Keeping an immune system in good condition is essential to protect our body from external aggression. But what really is the immune system?   What is the immune system? The immune system is the protection and defense mechanism of our body. It is made up […]

Spring and the immune system

Have you ever asked yourself the following questions? What is the immune system? How does the immune system work? How is the immune system activated? How to strengthen the immune system? The immune system is our body’s natural defense against countless microorganisms that surround us daily. It is made up of tissues, cells and organs […]

Foods with vitamin A, vitamin C and selenium

Are you aware of how a good diet can help the immune system? Food is essential for the proper functioning of our body. The nutrients we eat have a great impact on our development and well-being, therefore, it is important to know what the right foods are, what their properties are and what their benefits […]